Where HE Leads
   This question was posed at church last Wednesday night. It struck me, because He really could come back tomorrow. What would I do today, If I knew without a doubt that the Savior was returning for His children within 24 hours?
   I spoke up and said that I would be pounding on a lot of doors, trying desperately to give my friends and family members another opportunity to choose Christ over the world, and an eternity in hell. An older gentleman at our church, he is 93 years old and still drives himself there every week, said " We shouldn't be doing anything differently"  I wish you all knew Mr. Miller, he is very wise, very passionate, he loves Jesus, and he tells it like it is. He was so right, we need to be living every single day as if it is our last here on earth, because it very well might be.
   If you are reading this, and you feel the Spirit bringing a persons name to your mind, I don't care how many times you have shared the truth with them, give them a call, stop by to talk, today could be the day they are ready to hear it.
   If you are reading this and you do not know where you will spend eternity if this Jesus you've heard about, does what the Bible  says he is going to do, then I fear for you. Unless you confess Jesus as Lord, and believe in Him, you will spent the rest of eternity in misery. I am begging you to turn to God, before it is too late.

   If you don't know how to do that, click the link below that says "click here to learn about Jesus" or click the contact link and I will be happy to share my faith with you, and how I can be sure that I will spend eternity in heaven, and that God loves me.

Click here to learn about Jesus

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